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Австралия | Новости иммиграционной службы на август 2020 г.

24 августа 2020 г.

Правительство ACT недавно объявило о новых изменениях в процессе их номинаций. Как известно, COVID-19 коренным образом изменил миграционную политику на 2020-21 год. В этом финансовом году основная цель правительства Австралии - поддержка экономики и здравоохранения Австралии. Таким образом, правительство ACT сосредоточит свою квоту на номинацию кандидатов, которые играют решающую роль в поддержке штата.

Краткий обзор
Canberra Matrix (points system to identify eligible registrants who are interested in living and working in the ACT) закрыта для иностранных заявителей. Процесс ранжирования и отбора в 2020–2021 годах будет сосредоточен на жителях Канберры, обладающих навыками, необходимыми для поддержки ответных мер ACT в экономике после пандемии.
Количество мест для номинаций ACT иностранцев в ACT Critical Skills List может быть ограничено. ACT может не выдавать приглашения, когда достигнута месячная квота.

Для визы subclass 491 - Право жителя Канберры - Перед подачей заявки на номинацию вы должны соответствовать следующим критериям:

  • Проживал в Канберре не менее 3 месяцев
  • Одно из следующих:

           ●  Номинальная профессия находится в Списке критических навыков ACT, ИЛИ
           ● Основной держатель визы подкласса 457/482, спонсируемый работодателем ACT:
                    ● Вы работали в Канберре на спонсора не менее 3 месяцев
                    ● Виза должна иметь срок действия не менее 12 месяцев на момент подачи заявки.
          ●  Должен работать на работодателя ACT в Канберре не менее 3 месяцев (должна быть оплачиваемая работа и не менее 20 часов в неделю).

Для визы subclass 190 - Право жителя Канберры
Перед подачей заявки на номинацию вы должны соответствовать следующим критериям:

  • Проживал в Канберре не менее 6 месяцев
  • Одно из следующих:

            ●  Номинальная профессия находится в Списке критических навыков ACT, ИЛИ
            ●  Основной держатель визы подкласса 457/482, спонсируемый работодателем ACT:
                  ●  Вы работали в Канберре на спонсора не менее 6 месяцев.
                  ●  Виза должна иметь срок действия не менее 12 месяцев на момент подачи заявки.
          ●  Должен работать на работодателя ACT в Канберре не менее 6 месяцев (должна быть оплачиваемая работа и не менее 35 часов в неделю).

ACT Critical Skills List


August 2020

ANZSCO MAJOR Group Nomination places available each month ANZSCO Nominated Occupation



Less than 5 places 


131112 Sales & Marketing Manager
131113 Advertising Manager
131114 Public Relations Manager
1322 Less than 5 places 132211 Finance Manager
1331 Less than 15 places 133111 Construction Project Manager
1351 Less than 5 places 135112 ICT Project Manager
    135199 ICT Managers (nec)
1499 Less than 5 places 149913 Facilities Manager





Less than 5 places


212411 Copywriter
212412 Newspaper or Periodical Editor
212413 Print Journalist
212415 Technical Writer
212416 Television Journalist
212499 Journalist & other writers (nec)




Less than 10 places


221111 Accountant (General)
221112 Management Accountant
221113 Taxation Accountant
2223 Less than 5 places 222311 Financial Investment Adviser
    222312 Financial Investment Manager
2231 Less than 5 places 223112 Recruitment Consultant
2247 Less than 5 places 224711 Management Consultant
    224712 Organisation & Methods Analyst
2251 Less than 5 places 225111 Advertising Specialist
    225113 Marketing Specialist
2253 Less than 5 places 225311 Public Relations Professional


2321 Less than 5 places 232111 Architect
    232112 Landscape Architect
    232411 Graphic Designer
2324  Less than 5 places 232412 Illustrator
    232414 Web Designer







Less than 5 places



233211 Civil Engineer
233212 Geotechnical Engineer
233213 Quantity Surveyor
233214 Structural Engineer
233215 Transport Engineer
2411 Less than 5 places 241111 Early Childhood (Pre-Primary School) Teacher
2524 Less than 5 places 252411 Occupational Therapist
2531 Less than 5 places 253111 General Practitioner
    253112 Resident Medical Officer
    254411 Nurse Practitioner
    254412 Registered Nurse (Aged Care)
    254413 Registered Nurse (Child & Family Health)
    254414 Registered Nurse (Community Health)
    254415 Registered Nurse (Critical Care & Emergency)
2544 Less than 10 places 254416 Registered Nurse (Developmental Disability)
    254417 Registered Nurse (Disability & Rehabilitation)
    254418 Registered Nurse (Medical)
    254421 Registered Nurse (Medical Practice)
    254422 Registered Nurse (Mental Health)
    254423 Registered Nurse (Perioperative)
    254424 Registered Nurse (Surgical)
    254425 Registered Nurse (Paediatrics)
    254499 Registered Nurses (nec)
2611 Less than 20 places 261111 ICT Business Analyst
    261112 Systems Analyst
    261311 Analyst Programmer
    261312 Developer Programmer
2613  More than 20 places 261313 Software Engineer
    261314 Software Tester
    261399 Software and Applications Programmers nec
    262111 Database Administrator
2621  Less than 10 places 262112 ICT Security Specialist
    262113 Systems Administrator
    263111 Computer Network & Systems Engineer
 2631 Less than 5 places  263112 Network Administrator
    263113 Network Analyst
    263211 ICT Quality Assurance Engineer
 2632 Less than 10 places 263212 ICT Support Engineer
    263213 ICT Systems Test Engineer
    263299 ICT Support and Test Engineers (nec)
2713 Less than 5 places 271311 Solicitor
    272311 Clinical Psychologist
    272312 Educational Psychologist
 2723 Less than 5 places 272313 Organisational Psychologist
    272314 Psychotherapist
    272399 Psychologist (nec)
2724 Less than 5 places 272412 Interpreter
    272499 Social Professionals (nec)
2725 Less than 5 places 272511 Social Worker
2726 Less than 5 places 272612 Recreation Officer
    272613 Welfare Worker

У ACT есть оптимизированный процесс для выпускников PhD в университете ACT. Чтобы иметь право на участие, вы должны прожить в Канберре не менее 12 месяцев на момент приглашения и получить докторскую степень в университете ACT.

Изменения в других штатах и территориях для получения виз 190/491/188/132
Мы обновили данные о недавнем выделении Министерством внутренних дел небольшого количества мест в австралийские штаты и территории для номинированной визы (подкласс 190), визы для получения региональной квалификации (подкласс 491), бизнес-инноваций и инвестиций (подкласс 188). ) визы и визы Business Talent (подкласс 132) и скоро будем рады поделиться с вами, а пока проверьте, знаете ли вы обо всех изменениях в системе иммиграционных баллах: 


A points-based test applies to the following skilled migration visas:

For each visa, the minimum score is 65 points. The higher your points, the more likely it is that you will be invited to apply for a visa.

Points are awarded on the basis of the factors listed below.

At the time you are invited to apply for the visa, you must show that you achieve the score specified in your Expression of Interest.


Points criteria are assessed at the time of invitation.


at least 18 but less than 25 years 25
at least 25 but less than 33 years 30
at least 33 but less than 40 years 25
at least 40 but less than 45 years 15


Competent English 0
Proficient English 10
Superior English 20

English language skills


Overseas skilled employment – (outside Australia)

Less than 3 years 0
At least 3 but less than 5 years 5
At least 5 but less than 8 years 10
At least 8 years 15

Australian skilled employment – (in Australia)

Less than 1 year 0
At least 1 but less than 3 years 5
At least 3 but less than 5 years 10
At least 5 but less than 8 years 15
At least 8 years 20
  • You can only claim points for employment if the employment was in your nominated skilled occupation or a closely related skilled occupation; and you were employed for the relevant periods set out in the table, in the 10 years before you are invited to apply.
  • For any Australian employment you must have held a substantive visa or a Bridging A or Bridging B visa and complied with the conditions of that visa to be eligible for points.

Employed means engaged in an occupation for remuneration for at least 20 hours a week.

Closely-related occupations must be:

  • in the same ANZSCO Unit Group or
  • consistent with a career advancement pathway or
  • recognised by an assessing authority that it is closely related to your nominated occupation, as part of your skills assessment

Under the points test there is a cap on the number of points that can be awarded for employment experience. The maximum number of points that can be awarded is 20, this means that even if you score more than 20 combined points for your employment experience only 20 points will be awarded.


A Doctorate from an Australian educational institution or a Doctorate from another educational institution, that is of a recognised standard. 20
At least a Bachelor degree from an Australian educational institution or at least a Bachelor qualification, from another educational institution, that is of a recognised standard. 15
A diploma or trade qualification from an Australian educational institution. 10
Attained a qualification or award recognised by the relevant assessing authority for your nominated skilled occupation as being suitable for that occupation 10

For points based migration you will receive points for your highest qualification only.

Recognition of your qualifications

The authority undertaking your skills assessment may determine if your qualifications are comparable to the relevant Australian qualification. Assessing authorities are listed against your occupation in the relevant list of eligible skilled occupations. You must have obtained this recognition at the time you are invited to apply for a visa.

Doctoral requirements (PhD)

You can only be awarded points for a doctoral degree if you have completed a qualification at the relevant level, that is, a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). You cannot claim these points for the award of other qualifications that give you the right to use to the title of Doctor (that is, general practitioner, dentist, vet).


A Masters degree by research or a Doctorate degree from an Australian educational institution that included at least 2 academic years study in a relevant field. 10

The postgraduate degree by research (doctorate or masters) must be awarded from an Australian education institution after at least two academic years of study in the following science, technology, engineering, mathematics or specified information and communication technology (ICT) fields:

Natural and physical sciences

  • biological sciences
  • chemical sciences
  • earth sciences
  • mathematical sciences
  • natural and physical sciences
  • other natural and physical sciences
  • physics and astronomy

Information technology

  • computer science
  • information systems
  • information technology
  • other information technology

Engineering and related technologies

  • aerospace engineering and technology
  • civil engineering
  • electrical and electronic engineering and technology
  • engineering and related technologies
  • geomatics engineering
  • manufacturing engineering and technology
  • maritime engineering and technology
  • mechanical and industrial engineering and technology
  • other engineering and related technologies
  • process and resources engineering.


Meet the Australian study requirement 5

You must have at least 1 degree, diploma or trade qualification from an Australian educational institution that meets the Australian study requirement.


Completion of a Professional Year in Australia 5

At the time of invitation to apply, you had completed a Professional Year. To be eligible for the award of these points your Professional Year must have been in Accounting, ICT/Computing or Engineering, and:


Hold a recognised qualification in a credentialled community language 5

To be credentialled in a community language and eligible for the award of points you must have been accredited at the paraprofessional level or above, certified at the certified provisional level or above, or have a community language credential for interpreting or translating by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters.


You must have at least 1 degree, diploma or trade qualification from an Australian educational institution that satisfies the Australian study requirement obtained while living and studying in an eligible area of regional Australia 5

To be eligible for the award of points your educational qualification:

  • must meet the Australian study requirement
  • have been obtained while you lived in, and studied at a campus in a designated regional area
  • not include study undertaken by distance education


Your spouse or de facto partner must also be an applicant for this visa and meet age, English and skill criteria

For you to be eligible for the award of these points your partner must be an applicant for the same visa subclass and must not be an Australian permanent resident or an Australian citizen.  Additionally, you will need to provide evidence that when you were invited to apply for this visa that they:

  • were under 45 years old
  • had competent English
  • had nominated a skilled occupation that is on the same skilled occupation list as your nominated skilled occupation
  • had a suitable skills assessment from the relevant assessing authority for their nominated skilled occupation, and the assessment wasn’t for a Subclass 485 visa.
Your spouse or de facto partner must also be an applicant for this visa and has competent English

For you to be eligible for the award of these points your partner must be an applicant for the same visa subclass and must not be an Australian permanent resident or an Australian citizen.

You are single or your partner is an Australian citizen or permanent resident 10


You were invited to apply for a Subclass 190 (Skilled — Nominated) visa and the nominating State or Territory government agency has not withdrawn the nomination 5

You must be nominated to be invited to apply for this visa. Provided your nomination remains in effect, you may be eligible for the award of these points.

You were invited to apply for a Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491) because you were nominated and the nominating State or Territory government agency has not withdrawn that nomination or You are being sponsored for a Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491) by a family member and the Minister has accepted that sponsorship 15
  • You must have been nominated or stated you would be sponsored by an eligible family member to be invited to apply for this visa.
  • For nominated applicants provided your nomination remains in effect, you may be eligible for the award of these points.
  • For sponsored applicants provided your sponsorship has been approved, you may be eligible for the award of these points.
  • Information on sponsorship and nomination is available for the Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491).

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