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Британская Колумбия выдала 302 приглашения в провинциальной номинации

19 августа 2020 г.

В этом году Британская Колумбия пригласила около 6000 кандидатов на иммиграцию подать заявку на номинацию от провинции.

Британская Колумбия пригласила 302 кандидата на иммиграцию подать заявление на номинацию от провинции на ПМЖ в Канаде в ходе выборки, проведенной 18 августа.

Приглашения были отправлены кандидатам, зарегистрированным в категориях Skilled Workers и International Graduates таких программ British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) как Skills Immigration (SI) и Express Entry BC (EEBC). Кандидаты по Skills Immigration по категориям: Entry level и Semi-skilled Workers также получили прилашения.

Категории BC PNP Express Entry открыты для кандидатов с профилем в федеральной системе Express Entry. Федеральная система управляет пулом кандидатов для трех основных канадских программ экономической иммиграции - Federal Skilled Worker Class, Federal Skilled Trades Class и Canadian Experience Class. Категория SI предназначена для квалифицированных и полуквалифицированных рабочих, чьи профессии пользуются большим спросом в провинции Британская Колумбия.

Минимальные требования к баллам в сегодняшнем розыгрыше варьировались от 76 до 98 для пяти участвовавших категорий EEBC и SI.

Минимальные баллы распределились следующим образом:

  • SI - Квалифицированный рабочий: 96
  • SI - Международный выпускник: 98
  • SI - Начальный уровень и полуквалифицированный: 76
  • EEBC - Квалифицированный рабочий: 96
  • EEBC - Международный выпускник: 98

Чтобы получить приглашение через EEBC, кандидаты должны быть зарегистрированы как в федеральной системе Express Entry, так и в Системе иммиграционной регистрации (SIRS) Британской Колумбии.

Express Entry - это система управления заявками федерального правительства. Кандидатам в Express Entry начисляются баллы на основе факторов человеческого капитала, таких как возраст, опыт работы, образование и владение английским или французским языком.

Кандидаты в Express Entry, выдвинутые от провинции, получают дополнительно 600 баллов к своей Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS):


Age (in years) With an accompanying spouse (maximum points available: 100) Without an accompanying spouse (maximum points available: 110)
under 18 0 points 0 points
18 90 99
19 95 105
20-29 100 110
30 95 105
31 90 99
32 85 94
33 80 88
34 75 83
35 70 77
36 65 72
37 60 66
38 55 61
39 50 55
40 45 50
41 35 39
42 25 28
43 15 17
44 5 6
45 or older 0 0

Level of education

Level of education With an accompanying spouse 
(maximum points available: 140 for PA, 10 for spouse)
Without an accompanying spouse (maximum points available: 150)
Less than secondary (high) school credential 0 points 0 points
Secondary school credential 28 for PA; 2 for spouse 30
One-year post-secondary program 84 for PA; 6 for spouse 90
Two-year post-secondary program 91 for PA; 7 for spouse 98
Post-secondary program of 3 or more years 112 for PA; 8 for spouse 120
Two or more post-secondary programs, of which at least one was completed after a post-secondary program of three or more years 119 for PA; 9 for spouse 128
Master's or entry-to-practice professional degree 126 for PA; 10 for spouse 135
Doctoral Degree (PhD) 140 for PA; 10 for spouse 150

First Language Ability (English or French)

Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) With an accompanying spouse (maximum points available: 128 for PA; 20 for spouse) Without an accompanying spouse (maximum points available: 136)
For each language ability 32 points for PA; 5 points for spouse 34 points
CLB 3 or lower 0 0
CLB 4 6 for PA; 0 for spouse 6
CLB 5 6 for PA; 1 for spouse 6
CLB 6 8 for PA; 1 for spouse 9
CLB 7 16 for PA; 3 for spouse 17
CLB 8 22 for PA; 3 for spouse 23
CLB 9 29 for PA; 5 for spouse 31
CLB 10 or higher 32 for PA; 5 for spouse 34

*Points in the chart above are for each language ability: speaking, writing, reading and listening, respectively.

Second Language Ability (English or French)

Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) With an accompanying spouse (maximum points available: 22) Without an accompanying spouse (maximum points available: 24)
For each language ability 6 6
CLB 4 or lower 0 0
CLB 5 or 6 1 1
CLB 7 or 8 3 3
CLB 9 or higher 6 6

*Points in the chart above are for each language ability: speaking, writing, reading and listening, respectively.

Canadian Work Experience

Number of years With an accompanying spouse (maximum points available: 70 for PA; 10 for spouse) Without an accompanying spouse (maximum points available: 80)
Less than 1 0 points 0 points
1 year 35 for PA; 5 for spouse 40
2 years 46 for PA; 7 for spouse 53
3 years 56 for PA; 8 for spouse 64
4 years 63 for PA; 9 for spouse 72
5 years or more 70 for PA; 10 for spouse 80

Comprehensive Ranking System: Skill Transferability Factors

A maximum of 100 points are awarded for a candidate's skill transferability factors. There are five combinations of such skill transferability, with a maximum of 50 points awarded for each combination. Even if a candidate scores more than 100 points in total, only 100 points will be awarded under the Comprehensive Ranking System. Candidates with or without an accompanying spouse or common-law partner are awarded points for skill transferability in exactly the same way. There are no points available for the skill transferability of a candidate's spouse or common-law partner.

For the purposes of this table, "CLB" refers to Canadian Language Benchmark.

Education and Canadian Work Experience

Education 1 year of Canadian work experience 2 or more years of Canadian work experience
No post-secondary education 0 0
Post-secondary education of 1 year or longer 13 25
Two or more post-secondary credentials, the first of which was 3 or more years in duration 25 50
A university-level credential at the master’s level or at the level of an entry-to-practice professional degree for an occupation listed in the National Occupational Classification matrix at Skill Level A for which licensing by a provincial regulatory body is required 25 50
A university-level credential at the doctoral level 25 50

Education and Language Ability

Education CLB 7 or higher on all language abilities, with at least one of these CLB 8 CLB 9 or higher for all language abilities
No post-secondary education 0 0
Post-secondary education of 1 year or longer 13 25
Two or more post-secondary credentials,
the first of which was 3 or more years in duration
25 50
A university-level credential at the master’s level or at the level of an entry-to-practice professional degree for an occupation listed in the National Occupational Classification matrix at Skill Level A for which licensing by a provincial regulatory body is required 25 50
A university-level credential at the doctoral level 25 50

Language Ability and Non-Canadian Work Experience

Non-Canadian Work Experience CLB 7 or higher on all language abilities, with at least one of these CLB 8 CLB 9 or higher for all language abilities
No non-Canadian work experience 0 0
1 or 2 years of non-Canadian work experience 13 25
3 or more years of non-Canadian work experience 25 50

Canadian and non-Canadian Work Experience

Experience 1 year of Canadian work experience 2 or more years of Canadian work experience
No non-Canadian work experience 0 0
1 or 2 years of non-Canadian work experience 13 25
3 or more years of non-Canadian work experience 25 50

Certificate of Qualification in a Trade and Language Ability

Certificate of Qualification CLB 5 or higher on all language abilities, with at least one CLB 5 or 6 CLB 7 or higher on all language abilities
Certificate of qualification in a trade occupation issued by a province 25 50

Comprehensive Ranking System: Additional Points

Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) nomination certificate Points
For an enhanced nomination certificate from a Canadian province (except Quebec) 600 points
Qualifying offer of arranged employment Points
For a qualifying job offer of arranged employment from a Canadian employer if the offer is in an occupation contained in Major Group 00 Senior Management Occupations 200 points
For a qualifying job offer of arranged employment from a Canadian employer if the offer is any other qualifying offer of arranged employment 50 points
Canadian study experience Points
If the candidate has an eligible credential from a one-year or two-year post-secondary program in Canada 15 points
If the candidate has either: 
  • an eligible credential from a post-secondary program of three years or more, or
  • an eligible credential from a university-level program at the master’s level or at the level of an entry-to-practice professional degree for an occupation listed in the National Occupational Classification matrix at Skill Level A for which licensing by a provincial regulatory body is required, or
  • an eligible credential from a university-level program at the doctoral level
30 points
French language ability Points
If the candidate proves adequate intermediate (equivalent to CLB 7) or better French ability, and English ability of CLB 4 or lower (or no English language test result) 15 points
If the candidate proves adequate intermediate (equivalent to CLB 7) or better French ability, and English ability of CLB 5 or better 30 points
Sibling in Canada Points

If the candidate, or the accompanying spouse/common-law partner, has a sibling in Canada who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of at least 18 years of age

  • The candidate or his or her spouse/common-law partner must share a mother and/or father with the sibling in Canada. This relationship can be through blood, adoption, marriage, or common-law partnership
15 points

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