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Изменения в списках востребованных специальностей для Новой Зеландии

19 июля 2011 г.

Департамент труда Новой Зеландии пересмотрел списки востребованных специальностей, в частности Список остро востребованных специальностей (Immediate Skill Shortage List) и Долгосрочный список востребованных специальностей (Long Term Skill Shortage List). Изменения вступят в силу с 11 июля 2011 года.

Immediate Skill Shortage List

ISSL содержит специальности, в которых существует острая необходимость на территории всей страны, или в отдельных ее регионах. Иностранным гражданам, желающим работать по специальностям, указанным в данном списке, может быть выдана рабочая виза при условии соответствия всем критериям.

  • Следующие специальности были внесены в Immediate Skill Shortage List:


Pig Farmer (Department/Unit Manager)

Технолог диализа

Medical Technician (Clinical Dialysis Technician)

Специалист по обслуживанию электротехники

Electronic Equipment Trades Worker

Специалист по обработке металла на станках с ЧПУ (1 класс)

Metal Machinist (First Class) (CNC Machinist)


Metal Casting Trades Worker (Foundry Moulder)

Механик по обслуживанию мотоциклов

Motorcycle Mechanic

Медицинский кодировщик

Clinical Coder


Poultry Farmer (Broiler Breeder/Breeder Farm Manager)



  • Следующие специальности были исключены из Immediate Skill Shortage List:



Данные изменения явились результатом консультаций с представителями промышленности, государственных учреждений и прочими заинтересованными сторонами. Так же из данного списка был исключен ряд специальностей, содержащихся так же и в Long Term Skills Shortage List.

Long Term Skills Shortage List

LTSSL включает в себя специальности, на которые имеется устойчивый спрос, который будет прогнозируемо расти как на территории всей страны, так и в частных ее регионах. Иностранные граждане, трудоустроившиеся в Новой Зеландии по одной из включенных в данный список специальностей, могут претендовать на получение визы LTSSL Work to Residence. Аппликанты, претендующие на получение вида на жителя в рамках программы профессиональной иммиграции, в ходе оценки их кандидатур могут получить дополнительные баллы за наличие опыта работы, за наличие соответствующей квалификации или за наличие предложения работы по одной из специальностей, указанных в LTSSL.

Следующие специальности были включены в Long term Skills Shortage List:


Statistician (Fisheries Modeller)

  • Следующие специальности были исключены из Immediate Skill Shortage List:

Помощник анестезиолога

Anaesthetics Technician

Работодатели по-прежнему могут нанимать иностранных граждан, обладающих профессиями, исключенными из списков ISSL и LTSSL, но им необходимо подтвердить, что внутренний рынок труда не может предложить подходящих специалистов. Для этого Иммиграционная служба Новой Зеландии может провести проверку рынка труда в рамках своих полномочий.


До 11 июля 2011

После 11 июля 2011

Early Childhood (Pre-primary School Teacher) (241111)

Воспитатель детей дошкольного возраста

A qualification in Early Childhood Education (ages 0-5) at a minimum of Level 7, which is approved by the New Zealand Teachers Council AND NZ registration

NZ registration.
(A qualification in this area of absolute skill shortage is: a qualification in Early Childhood Education (ages 0-5) at a minimum of Level 7, which is approved by the New Zealand Teachers Council)

Secondary School Teacher (241411)

Преподаватель средней школы

Bachelors degree (or equivalent) with a major in a NZ teaching subject AND a secondary teaching qualification recognised for registration purposes by the New Zealand Teachers Council OR a four year Bachelor of Education/Teaching (Secondary) with a major in a NZ teaching subject

Registration (provisional, full or subject to confirmation) and a current Practising Certificate with the New Zealand Teachers Council
AND One year’s secondary teaching experience (ages 11-18)
(Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: a Graduate Diploma of Teaching (Secondary) or a four year Bachelor of Education/Teaching (Secondary))

Special Education Teachers nec (Conductor (Conductive Education Practitioner)) (241599)

Школьный учитель (обучение детей с отклонениями, кондуктивное обучение)

Trained Conductors Diploma (assessed as comparable to a Level 7 degree and a Diploma of Teaching) AND New Zealand registration

Trained Conductors Diploma (assessed as comparable to a Level 7 degree and a Diploma of Teaching) AND membership of New Zealand Conductors’ Association

Engineering Professionals

Chemical Engineer (233111)


Materials Engineer (233112)

Специалист по технологии материалов

Civil Engineer (233211)

Гражданский инженер-строитель

Geotechnical Engineer (233212)


Structural Engineer (233214)

Инженер-проектировщик строительных конструкций

Transport Engineer (233215)


Electrical Engineer (233311)


Electronics Engineer (233411)


Industrial Engineer (233511)


Mechanical Engineer (233512)


Production or Plant Engineer (233513)

Инженер по оборудованию

Mining Engineer (excluding Petroleum) (233611)

Горный инженер

Petroleum Engineer (233612)


Aeronautical Engineer (233911)


Agricultural Engineer (233912)

Инженер-механизатор с/х

Biomedical Engineer (233913)

Инженер по биомедицине

Engineering Technologist (233914)

Инженер по машиностроению

Environmental Engineer (233915)


Marine Designer (233916)


Engineering Professional nec (233999)


Bachelor Degree (level 7) qualification and registered on the International Professional Engineers Register or Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) Engineers Register OR a Washington Accord accredited engineering degree

Bachelor Degree (Level 7) qualification and registered on the International Professional Engineers Register or Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation Engineers Register or membership of the Society of Petroleum Engineers
OR a Washington Accord accredited engineering degree

Anaesthetist (253211)


Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery AND registered within a provisional vocational or vocational scope of practice with the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ)

NZ registration within a relevant provisional vocational or vocational scope of practice with the Medical Council of New Zealand
(Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery)

Cardiac Technician (Clinical Cardiac Physiologist including Perfusionist) (311212)

Помощник кардиолога

Post Graduate Diploma in Medical Technology AND two years’ relevant work experience AND NZ registration

NZ registration.
(Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: a Post Graduate Diploma in Medical Technology or Science (Cardiovascular Perfusion) OR Master of Science (Cardiovascular Perfusion)

Clinical Psychologist  (272311)

Клинический психолог

Educational Psychologist (272312)


Master of Psychology OR Postgraduate Diploma in Psychology AND NZ registration

NZ registration.
(Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: a Master of Psychology OR  Postgraduate Diploma in Psychology)

Diagnostic and Interventional Radiologist (253917)

Радиолог-диагност, интервенциональный радиолог

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery AND registered within a provisional vocational or vocational scope of practice with MCNZ

NZ registration within a relevant provisional vocational or vocational scope of practice with the Medical Council of New Zealand
(Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery)

Dietitian (251111)


Bachelor of Science OR Bachelor of Consumer and Applied Sciences (majoring in Human Nutrition), AND Postgraduate Diploma in Dietetics AND NZ registration

NZ registration.
(Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: a Bachelor of Science OR Bachelor of Consumer and Applied Sciences (majoring in Human Nutrition), AND Postgraduate Diploma in Dietetics)

General Medical Practitioner (253111)

Врач общей практики

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery AND registered within a provisional general, general, provisional vocational or vocational scope of practice with MCNZ

NZ registration within a relevant provisional general, general, provisional vocational or vocational scope of practice with the Medical Council of New Zealand
(Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery)

Hospital Pharmacist (251511)

Больничный фармацевт
Industrial Pharmacist (251512)

Промышленный фармацевт
Retail Pharmacist (251513)

Аптечный фармацевт

Bachelor of Pharmacy AND NZ registration

NZ registration.
(A qualification in this area of absolute skill shortage is: a Bachelor of Pharmacy)

Intensive Care Specialist (253317)

Специалист по интенсивной терапии

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery AND registered within a provisional vocational or vocational scope of practice with MCNZ

NZ registration within a relevant provisional vocational or vocational scope of practice with the Medical Council of New Zealand
(Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery)

Medical Diagnostic Radiographer (including Medical Resonance Imaging Technologist) (251211)


Bachelor in Health Science specialising in Medical Radiation Therapy OR specialising in Medical Imaging AND NZ registration

NZ registration. (Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: a Bachelor in Health Science specialising in Medical Radiation Therapy OR specialising in Medical Imaging)

Medical Radiation Therapist (251212)


Bachelor in Health Science specialising in Medical Radiation Therapy OR specialising in Medical Imaging AND NZ registration

NZ registration.
(Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: a Bachelor in Health Science specialising in Medical Radiation Therapy OR specialising in Medical Imaging)

Nuclear Medicine Technologist (251213)

Технолог медицинской радиологии

Bachelor in Health Science specialising in Medical Radiation Therapy OR specialising in Medical Imaging AND NZ registration

NZ registration.
(Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: Bachelor in Health Science specialising in Medical Radiation Therapy OR specialising in Medical Imaging OR Bachelor or Post-Graduate degree in Nuclear Medicine)

Medical Laboratory Scientist – including Cytotechnologist (Cytoscientist) (234611)

Сотрудник медицинской лаборатории — включая цитотехнологов

Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science AND NZ registration

NZ registration.
(A qualification in this area of absolute skill shortage is: a Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science)

Medical Oncologist (253314)


Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery AND registered within a provisional vocational or vocational scope of practice with MCNZ

NZ registration within a relevant provisional vocational or vocational scope of practice with the Medical Council of New Zealand
(Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery)

Midwife (254111)


Bachelor of Midwifery AND NZ registration

NZ registration.
(A qualification in this area of absolute skill shortage is: a Bachelor of Midwifery)

Nurse Manager (254311)

Старшая медсестра

Nurse Researcher (254212)

Медсестра — помощь в исследованиях

Nurse Practitioner (254411)

Медсестра — помощь врачам

Registered Nurses (254412) Aged care

Медсестра — уход за престарелыми

Registered Nurses (254413) Child and Family Health

Медсестра — уход за ребенком, семейное здравоохранение

Registered Nurses (254414) Community Health

Медсестра — общественное здравоохранение

Registered Nurses (254415) Critical Care and Emergency

Медсестра — интенсивная терапия и реанимация

Registered Nurses (254416) Developmental Disability

Медсестра — уход за пациентами с отклонениями в развитии

Registered Nurses (254417) Disability and Rehabilitation

Медсестра — уход за инвалидами, реабилитация

Registered Nurses (254418) Medical

Медсестра - медицина

Registered Nurses (254421) Medical Practice

Медсестра - практика

Registered Nurses (254422) Mental Health

Медсестра — уход за психически больными

Registered Nurses (254423) Perioperative

Медсестра — приоперационное ассистирование

Registered Nurses (254424) Surgical

Хирургическая медсестры

Registered Nurses (254499) nec


Bachelor of Nursing OR Diploma in Comprehensive Nursing, diploma or hospital based certificate AND NZ registration

NZ registration AND three years experience
(Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: a Bachelor of Nursing OR Diploma in Comprehensive Nursing, diploma or hospital based certificate)

Obstetrician and Gynaecologist (253913)

Акушер, гинеколог

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery AND registered within a provisional general or general scope of practice with MCNZ

NZ registration within a relevant provisional general or general scope of practice with the Medical Council of New Zealand
(Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery)

Occupational Therapists (252411)

Специалист по профессиональным заболеваниям

Bachelor of Occupational Therapy OR Bachelor of Health Science (Occupational Therapy strand) AND NZ registration

NZ registration AND two years relevant experience
(Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: a Bachelor of Occupational Therapy OR Bachelor of Health Science (Occupational Therapy strand))

Osteopath (252112)


Masters degree in Osteopathy AND NZ registration

NZ registration.
(A qualification in this area of absolute skill shortage is: a Master degree in Osteopathy)

Pathologist (253915)


Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery AND registered within a provisional vocational or vocational scope of practice with MCNZ

NZ registration within a relevant provisional vocational or vocational scope of practice with the Medical Council of New Zealand
(Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery)

Physiotherapist (252511)


Bachelor of Physiotherapy AND NZ registration

NZ registration.
(A qualification in this area of absolute skill shortage is: a Bachelor of Physiotherapy)

Psychiatrist (253411)


Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery AND registered within a provisional vocational or vocational scope of practice with MCNZ

NZ registration within a relevant provisional vocational or vocational scope of practice with the Medical Council of New Zealand
(Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery)

Radiation Oncologist (253918)


Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery AND registered within a provisional vocational or vocational scope of practice with MCNZ

NZ registration within a relevant provisional vocational or vocational scope of practice with the Medical Council of New Zealand
(Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery)

Renal Medicine Specialist (253322)

Специалист по заболеваниям почек (ренальной медицине)

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery AND registered within a provisional vocational or vocational scope of practice with MCNZ

NZ registration within a relevant provisional vocational or vocational scope of practice with the Medical Council of New Zealand
(Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery)

Sonographer (251214)

Специалист по эхокардиографии

Graduate Diploma in Medical Ultra Sonography

NZ registration.
(A qualification in this area of absolute skill shortage is: a Graduate Diploma in Medical Ultra Sonography)

Specialist Physician in Palliative Medicine (253399)

Специалист по паллиативной медицине

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery AND registered within a provisional vocational or vocational scope of practice with MCNZ

NZ registration within a relevant provisional vocational or vocational scope of practice with the Medical Council of New Zealand
(Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery)

Speech Language Therapist (252712)


Bachelor of Speech and Language Therapy
Masters of Speech and Language Therapy

Bachelor of Speech and Language Therapy
OR Master of Speech and Language Therapy Practice

Surgeon (General) (253511)

Хирург (общий профиль)

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery AND registered within a provisional vocational or vocational scope of practice with MCNZ

NZ registration within a relevant provisional vocational or vocational scope of practice with the Medical Council of New Zealand
(Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery)

Veterinarian (234711)


Bachelor of Veterinary Science OR equivalent, approved by the Veterinary Council of New Zealand AND registration with the New Zealand Veterinary Council

NZ registration.
(A qualification in this area of absolute skill shortage is: a Bachelor of Veterinary Science OR equivalent, approved by the Veterinary Council of New Zealand)

Specialist Manager nec (Management & Project Management staff) (139999)


[Column 4] Bachelor Degree (Level 7) qualification majoring in electronics, computer science, or telecommunications

Bachelor Degree (Level 7) qualification majoring in electronics, computer science, or telecommunications AND three years of work experience with at least 12 months relevant work experience in the past 18 months

ICT Project Manager (135112)

Менеджер проектов в ИТ Organisation and Methods Analyst (224712)

Организационный аналитик

ICT Business Analyst (261111)

Бизнес-аналитик в ИТ

Systems Analyst (261112)

Системный аналитик

Multimedia Analyst (261211)

Мультимедиа аналитик
Web Developer (261212)


Analyst Programmer (261311)


Developer Programmer (261312)


Software Engineer (261313)

Инженер по разработке ПО

Software Tester (261314)

Тестер ПО

Software and Applications Programmers nec (261399)

Программисты по разработке приложений

Database Administrator (262111)

Администратор БД

ICT Security Specialist (262112)

Специалист по информационной безопасности

Systems Administrator (262113)

Системный администратор

Computer Network and Systems Engineer (263111)

Инженер по обслуживанию компьютерных систем и сетей

Network Administrator (263112)

Сетевой администратор

Network Analyst (263113)

Сетевой аналитик

ICT Quality Assurance Engineer (263211)

Специалист по контролю качества в сфере ИТ

ICT Support Engineer (263212)

Инженер службы поддержки в ИТ
ICT Systems Test Engineer (263213)

Инженер по тестированию систем

ICT Support and Test Engineers nec (263299)

Инженеры по тестированию и обслуживанию систем в ИТ

Telecommunications Engineer (263311)

Инженер электросвязи

Telecommunications Network Engineer (263312)

Инженер по обслуживанию телекоммуникационных сетей

ICT Customer Support Officer (Technical advice and Consultancy) (313112)

Специалист службы технической поддержки

[Column 4] Bachelor Degree (Level 7) qualification majoring in computer science, information science or information technology

Bachelor Degree (Level 7) qualification majoring in computer science, information science or information technology AND three years of relevant work experience

Electric Line Mechanic (342211)


National Certificate in Electricity Supply (Line Mechanic Distribution) (Level 4) or National Certificate in Electricity Supply (Line Mechanic Transmission) (Level 4) and NZ Registration as a line mechanic with the Electrical Workers Registration Board

NZ registration as a line mechanic with the Electrical Workers Registration Board
(qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: National Certificate in Electricity Supply (Line Mechanic Distribution) (Level 4) or National Certificate in Electricity Supply (Line Mechanic Transmission) (Level 4))

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