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Канада. Саскачеван приглашает 570 иммигрантов.

28 августа 2020 г.

27 августа Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) - иностранные рабочие по списку Occupations In-Demand  

Приглашенные кандидаты прошли аттестацию об образовании. Им также требовался не менее 68 баллов за проявление интереса (EOI), если у них были связи с провинцией или не менее 10 лет опыта работы, и не менее 8 баллов по канадскому языку (CLB). Так или иначе им требовалось не менее 69 баллов. .

Кандидаты приглашались, если у них был опыт работы в одной из 50 подходящих профессий. Некоторые примеры подходящих профессий включают: финансовых менеджеров, специалистов по персоналу и эрготерапевтов. Подробнее можно посмотреть в списках NOC:

  • A: jobs that usually require university education
  • B: jobs that usually require college education or apprenticeship training
  • O: management

в котором провинции интересны все специальности, кроме этих:

0011 Legislators
0012 Senior government managers and officials
0015 Senior managers - trade, broadcasting and other services, n.e.c.
0311 Managers in health care
0411 Government managers - health and social policy development and program administration
0412 Government managers - economic analysis, policy development and program administration
0413 Government managers - education policy development and program administration
0414 Other managers in public administration
0422 School principals and administrators of elementary and secondary education
0431 Commissioned police officers
0432 Fire chiefs and senior firefighting officers
0433 Commissioned officers of the Canadian Forces
0511 Library, archive, museum and art gallery managers
0512 Managers - publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts
0513 Recreation, sports and fitness program and service directors
0823 Managers in aquaculture
1111 Financial auditors and accountants
1113 Securities agents, investment dealers and brokers
1227 Court officers and justices of the peace
1228 Employment insurance, immigration, border services and revenue officers
1312 Insurance adjusters and claims examiners
1314 Assessors, valuators and appraisers
1315 Customs, ship and other brokers
2111 Physicists and astronomers
2113 Geoscientists and oceanographers
2114 Meteorologists and climatologists
2115 Other professional occupations in physical sciences
2122 Forestry professionals
2145 Petroleum engineers
2146 Aerospace engineers
2152 Landscape architects
2153 Urban and land use planners
2271 Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors
2273 Deck officers, water transport
2274 Engineer officers, water transport
2275 Railway traffic controllers and marine traffic regulators
3011 Nursing co-ordinators and supervisors
3012 Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses
3111 Specialist physicians
3112 General practitioners and family physicians
3113 Dentists
3114 Veterinarians
3121 Optometrists
3124 Allied primary health practitioners
3125 Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating
3131 Pharmacists
3132 Dietitians and nutritionists
3141 Audiologists and speech-language pathologists
3142 Physiotherapists
3144 Other professional occupations in therapy and assessment
3213 Animal health technologists and veterinary technicians
3221 Denturists
3222 Dental hygienists and dental therapists
3231 Opticians
3232 Practitioners of natural healing
3233 Licensed practical nurses
3236 Massage therapists и так далее.

О категории Occupations In-Demand
Это базовая провинциальная номинальная программа (PNP), что означает, что она открыта для кандидатов на иммиграцию, у которых нет федерального профиля Express Entry и нет job offer. Заявления прижимаются от иностранных граждан с профилем EOI через онлайн-систему SINP. Кандидаты будут оцениваться на предмет того, насколько их опыт работы, образование, языковые навыки, возраст и связи с провинцией демонстрируют их способность адаптироваться к жизни в Саскачеване.

Необходимо набрать 60 иммиграционных баяло из 100 баллов на основе международной таблицы оценки квалификационных баллов SINP:

Selection factor Points
Education and training Maximum 23 points
Skilled work experience Maximum 15 points
Language ability Maximum 20 points
Age Maximum 12 points
Connection to Saskatchewan labour market  Maximum 30 points
Total Maximum 100 points
Pass mark: 60 points
Education & Training Points
Master’s or Doctorate degree 23
University degree that required at least three years of full-time study 20
Trade certification equivalent to journey person status in Saskatchewan 20
Degree, diploma or certificate that required at least two years of full-time post-secondary study, or certificate equivalent 15
Degree, diploma or certificate that required at least one year of full-time post-secondary study, or certificate equivalent to a trade certificate 12
Work experience during the most recent five years prior to application Points
5 years 10
4 years 8
3 years 6
2 years 4
1 year 2
Work experience during the six to ten year period prior to application Points
5 years 5
4 years 4
3 years 3
2 years 2
1 year 0
Language ability Points
CLB 8 and higher 20
CLB 7 18
CLB 6 16
CLB 5 14
CLB 4 12
English or French native speaker without language test results 0
Age Points
Less than 18 years 0
18-21 years 8
22-34 years 12
35-45 years 10
46-50 years 8
Over 50 years 0
Connection to the Saskatchewan Labour Market Points

High skilled employment offer. The applicant has a job offer for an occupation classified at NOC level 0, A, B or a designated trade in Saskatchewan.


Close relative in Saskatchewan

The applicant or accompanying spouse has a close relative that is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident residing in Saskatchewan. Close relatives include:

  • Parents,
  • Siblings,
  • Grandparents,
  • Aunts and uncles,
  • Nieces and nephews,
  • Cousins, and
  • Step-family members or in-laws of the same relationships.

The family members in Saskatchewan must meet the requirements as listed in the Application Guide


Previous work experience in Saskatchewan. The applicant worked in Saskatchewan for at least twelve cumulative months in the past five years on a valid work permit


Previous student experience in Saskatchewan. The applicant studied at a recognized Saskatchewan education institution for at least one full-time academic year on a valid study permit


Кандидатам, набравшим наибольшее количество баллов, выдается приглашение на номинацию от провинции на ПМЖ в Канаде, за которую начисляются дополнительные 600 баллов к их баллу по Comprehensive Ranking System на федеральном уровне и фактически гарантируется ПМЖ.

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