Курсы валют на 12.01 | USD | 101.9146 | | EUR | 105.0464 | | GBP | 125.3855 | | CAD | 70.7986 | | AUD | 63.1259 |
Резюме: CV Electrician, Engineers Electric,Stavropol region Pyatigorsk city Заголовок | CV Electrician, Engineers Electric, |
Персональная информация |
Фамилия | Khmyrow |
Имя | Igor |
Отчество | Gennadiewich |
Пол | Мужчина |
Дата рождения | 30.07.1993 |
Место рождения | Stavropol region Budennovsk city |
Гражданство | Russian Federation |
Место проживания | Stavropol region Pyatigorsk city |
Контакты | +79280096328, igor300793@mail.ru |
Владение иностранными языками | English can be interviewed |
Семейное положение | Женат/Замужем |
Наличие детей | Нет детей |
Как вы узнали о нас | Интернет |
Образование | Higher education from 2010 to 2015 Don State Technical University. Qualification "Service Specialist"
Specialization: "Service energy equipment and energy audit"
Engine driver for internal combustion engines
Training center of additional professional education "Progress", Engineer of gas piston units.
Boiler operator
Training center of additional professional education "Progress", Operator of a boiler room of the 3rd category
Training Center for Continuing Professional Education Progress
UCDP PROGRESS, Work at an altitude of more than 5 meters, without the use of scaffolding. |
Опыт работы | Есть |
Рабoта | October 2018 - present
5 months
Sanatorium Mashuk Aqua Therm
Medicine, Pharmacy, Pharmacy
Medical institutions
Hotels, restaurants, catering, catering
Concurrently, I work as an electrician in the Mashuk Aqua Term sanatorium, in charge of the repair and installation of electrical equipment, installation of cable lines, and maintenance of auxiliary networks.
September 2017 - to the present
1 year 6 months
Belaya Dacha Trading
Kislovodsk, www.bdsalads.ru
Fresh vegetables, fruits (promotion, wholesale)
Farming, plant growing, animal husbandry
Agricultural products (promotion, wholesale)
Gas Piston Operator
Conducting operational documentation, the production of operational switching, training jobs, the admission of working teams. Operation of DGU, and GPU Rolt power of 1280 kW and 2530 kW. Liquidation of emergency situations related to the power supply of the enterprise.
May 2017 - September 2017
5 months
Mineral water
Housing and communal services
Power supply
Labor protection specialist
Conducting accounting documentation, developing instructions for labor protection, carrying out preventive work to prevent injuries, organizing the work of contracting organizations in electrical installations, conducting pre-examination personnel training, conducting personnel knowledge testing, monitoring the compliance of personnel safety requirements with the personnel of the enterprise, carrying out planned and sudden inspections of working teams and services for compliance with rules on HSE. Interaction with the parent organizations.
June 2016 - December 2016
7 months
AO Elektrosetservis UNEG
Power industry
Transmission, distribution of electricity
Engineer Category 2 Diagnostics Service
Conducting a comprehensive survey of power transformers, conducting high-voltage tests and measurements of electrical equipment, sampling oil from oil-filled equipment, measuring and testing cable lines, conducting ultrasonic non-destructive testing of porcelain tires for air circuit breakers 110kv, 220kv, 330kv, 500kv.
organization of work in existing electrical installations
work on the elimination of accidents on electrical equipment, inspections, electrical installations
thermal control of electrical installations,
work with electrotechnical laboratory.
Fired due to the reduction of posts.
Electrical Safety Group IV
June 2013 - July 2016
3 years 2 months
AO Elektrosetservis UNEG
Power industry
Transmission, distribution of electricity
Electrician on repair of RU 5 category
Capital and medium repairs of power transformers, air and oil switches 35kV, 110kV, 220kv, 330kv, 500kv. Since 11/20/15 till 30.06.2016 He took part in the reconstruction of the 220 kV Substation Pogorelovo. There is experience in construction and installation work, electrical equipment.
Electrical Safety Group IV
November 2013 - April 2014
6 months
Elektrosetservice JSC
Power industry
Transmission, distribution of electricity
Electrician OVB
Control over the operation of equipment of DTP, TP, conducting operational switching, preparation of the workplace and the admission of repair teams.
I have:
A letter of thanks from the Director General of “MES YUGA” A.V. Malt.
For a fruitful contribution to the uninterrupted supply of electricity to Olympic facilities. |
Вакансии, на которые вы претендуете |
Вакансии | Any official work for employment on a work visa for the purpose of further immigration. |
Работа | Постоянная |
Оплата в час | 10 |
Оплата в месяц | 1700 |
Страна | Australia, New Zeland, Canada, Sweden, Finland/ |
Что мне подходит?